Summer 2025 – Friday Morning Youth Bridge Lessons

We will be having bridge lessons for youth age 8 to 18 from 9:30 to noon.  An adult can come to the lessons as well as long as they bring a youth with them. 2024 Summer Flyer.  –Summer 2025 flyer coming soon!  See the details below:

Dates for 2025:

When:  Fridays, 9:30 to noon

  • May 30
  • June 6, 13 (Youth Lessons, but no duplicate game), 27
  • July 11,18
  • August 1 (might cancel Aug. 1) ,8,15 

Where:  Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 1800 SW State Rt. 150, Lee’s Summit, MO

Time:  lesson from 9:30 to 10:15, snack break from 10:15 to 10:30, supervised play/continuing lesson from 10:30 to noon or if deemed ready by the teacher, any youth may join the duplicate game from 10:30 to approximately 1 p.m. at no additional cost.

Who:  Youth ages 8 to 18, or an adult who brings a youth with them.  All skill levels are welcome, we’ll teach you wherever your skill set is, including absolute beginners.

Cost:  $5 per Friday session per student.  You must pre-register so we can make sure we have enough helpers and lesson material.  This also lets us notify you of any last minute cancellations.  Any adult moving from the lessons to the duplicate session will be required to pay an additional $3, this effectively pays for the duplicate but your lesson is free.  A Minor Consent form must be completed and turned in the first time your child attends.  That form is available here and will be available on site.

What:  Students will get printed handouts or possibly textbooks (attend and pay for at least 4 classes and you will definitely receive a textbook).  Prizes for attendance will also be provided.

Current Covid policy:   If staying for the duplicate session we ask that you bring your own lunch as lunch will not be provided to the duplicate players, grab and go snacks will be available.  Or you can wait until after the duplicate game to go find your lunch elsewhere!  We PREFER everyone be vaccinated.

Summer 25 Youth Bridge Flyer coming soon!  

Looking for Event Space

Mo-Kan would like to start a youth bridge education program on Saturday mornings!  We are looking for space to hold the lesson followed by supervised play.  A snack in between the lesson and play would be provided.  The program would be either free or for a nominal fee.  In order to do that, the space needs to be offered either free or at minimal cost.  We would need the space from about 9:30 to noon, or possibly 9 to 11:30.  We’d like to offer it beginning the second Saturday in October.  If you know of an organization that could help us out, have them email us or message us.

Learning bridge teaches one how to think, not what to think!  China, India, and Europe are way ahead of us!

If we get this going, we will also be in need of volunteer bridge teachers (or almost volunteer) and volunteer table coaches.  If you would like to help please let  your Kansas City area board members know!

Benefits of Bridge for Youth and Adults

At the Unit 131 Fall Sectional Tournament on Oct. 28, 2023 at 2 p.m.  we  had 6 current youth students of Mo-Kan Bridge Academy and regular players in our Friendly Friday game and one former student (now all grown up) competing in the 0-299 masterpoint section.  There were 8 tables in play.

Charlie and Alex came in 3rd EW and 5th overall with a 54.39% game for .78 silver master points.  Robert and Rose came in 3rd NS with a 52.31% game for .47 masterpoints.  While Ana and Tom did not scratch they had a perfectly respectable game (better than mine!) of 46.22% for 5th EW.  For their efforts Charlie, Alex, Robert, and Rose will each receive a $50 Scholarship towards their post-secondary education when they graduate from high school.  Kathy Rolfe provides this scholarship through the Rolfe Bridge Fund administered through the Truman Heartland Community Foundation.

The students are pictured here: L to R:  (teacher Kathy Rolfe) Alex, Rose, Tom, Ana, Robert, Charlie)

Bridge may help your child perform better academically!

Another Youth Bridge group run by youth!  Check it out!

Statistically Speaking – Read the study results!

Students helped with Math – read the article!

Bridge is great for social interaction and friendships.

How they did it in St. Louis.

Bridge isn’t just for math skills.

Bridge Tricks are for kids.

Bridging Generations

89 Years Bridged!

Another young life master!