At the Unit 131 Fall Sectional Tournament on Oct. 28, 2023 at 2 p.m. we had 6 current youth students of Mo-Kan Bridge Academy and regular players in our Friendly Friday game and one former student (now all grown up) competing in the 0-299 masterpoint section. There were 8 tables in play.
Charlie and Alex came in 3rd EW and 5th overall with a 54.39% game for .78 silver master points. Robert and Rose came in 3rd NS with a 52.31% game for .47 masterpoints. While Ana and Tom did not scratch they had a perfectly respectable game (better than mine!) of 46.22% for 5th EW. For their efforts Charlie, Alex, Robert, and Rose will each receive a $50 Scholarship towards their post-secondary education when they graduate from high school. Kathy Rolfe provides this scholarship through the Rolfe Bridge Fund administered through the Truman Heartland Community Foundation.
The students are pictured here: L to R: (teacher Kathy Rolfe) Alex, Rose, Tom, Ana, Robert, Charlie)
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