Benefits of Bridge for Youth and Adults

At the Unit 131 Fall Sectional Tournament on Oct. 28, 2023 at 2 p.m.  we  had 6 current youth students of Mo-Kan Bridge Academy and regular players in our Friendly Friday game and one former student (now all grown up) competing in the 0-299 masterpoint section.  There were 8 tables in play.

Charlie and Alex came in 3rd EW and 5th overall with a 54.39% game for .78 silver master points.  Robert and Rose came in 3rd NS with a 52.31% game for .47 masterpoints.  While Ana and Tom did not scratch they had a perfectly respectable game (better than mine!) of 46.22% for 5th EW.  For their efforts Charlie, Alex, Robert, and Rose will each receive a $50 Scholarship towards their post-secondary education when they graduate from high school.  Kathy Rolfe provides this scholarship through the Rolfe Bridge Fund administered through the Truman Heartland Community Foundation.

The students are pictured here: L to R:  (teacher Kathy Rolfe) Alex, Rose, Tom, Ana, Robert, Charlie)

Bridge may help your child perform better academically!

Another Youth Bridge group run by youth!  Check it out!

Statistically Speaking – Read the study results!

Students helped with Math – read the article!

Bridge is great for social interaction and friendships.

How they did it in St. Louis.

Bridge isn’t just for math skills.

Bridge Tricks are for kids.

Bridging Generations

89 Years Bridged!

Another young life master!