Donations and Volunteers Needed!

This article goes a long way to explaining why we think this charitable organization is needed in the KC Metro area.

With our newly achieved status of a charitable organization 501(c)3 we are in fundraising mode!  We need your help to turn the metropolitan Kansas City area, in particular, into the recognized leader in promoting the benefits of playing bridge to people of all ages!  Please read this letter to see what we’ve been up to and read about our matching donor and our appeal for 2022-23!

We have succeeded in our short term fundraising goal.  We now have  6 tablets and 6 Bridge+More dealing machines and cards for 6 tables!  However, we have found them to be not reliable enough to use for the duplicate game-too many card reader errors and operator errors.  Also they are difficult to transport.  For now, we have set them aside and plan to use them only for lessons once we are in our own facility.

 We will be continuing our youth summer lessons.   We do get grant money from the ACBL Educational Foundation to help with the youth lessons but that grant does not pay for all the expenses.  So help us raise some more money!  Mail us a check, or catch one of our board members to donate cash, or talk to our treasurer to donate stock.  We take it all!

Has the game of bridge been beneficial in your life or in the life of someone you care about?
Has it provided social connections, intellectual challenges, scholarship money?
I know it has provided me with both social connections and intellectual challenges over the years and has allowed me to in turn provide those for others, as well as provide scholarship money for some. Kathy Rolfe

Kathy, I believe in what you do. I’ve borne witness from two different angles. First, the children you taught and how it developed their intellect and social skills. And, now living in Florida, I see the elderly who are playing bridge and are incredibly sharp for their age. Two of the women are in their 90’s. Are they playing bridge because they are sharp and enjoy the game or are they sharp because they’ve been playing bridge for years? To me it doesn’t matter, the fact is, bridge is a part of their lives at age 90, and that’s amazing!

Best wishes, 


With this fund drive we hope to move into our first leased space and grow our base for lessons and games.  We will continue to fund raise beyond that, hoping to get into a much larger, multi-functional space to increase our outreach as we continue to grow.

While we are fundraising we will begin offering classes, particularly to youth and to their family members.  Those classes will be held wherever anyone will host us!  We are looking for libraries, churches, community centers, country clubs, etc. to offer us space at a nominal fee or no fee to begin offering these classes.  The classes will be led by paid accredited bridge teachers only, but we are looking for volunteers to help out as table coaches as well.  If you are interested in joining our list of teachers or volunteers, or if you have space available for holding classes – please contact us!

The longer term goal is to raise enough funds to either lease or own our own space.  That facility will have its own instructional room as well as a separate large playing area.  Of course, plenty of clean restroom facilities, kitchen space, coat storage space, parking space, and the latest in duplicate bridge equipment along with comfortable chairs with plenty of space around those tables and chairs, will also be included in that plan.  As funds are raised we will begin to look into options for that facility’s location, hopefully in Lee’s Summit to encourage both existing players and new players in both states to give us a try.  If you know of a suitable property, let us know!

Like what you’ve read so far?  Want to make a tax deductible donation?

Or you can donate by contacting any of our Board Members.  (The amount that is tax deductible will depend on your own tax situation.  Please consult your tax advisor.)  You can mail a donation directly to Mo-Kan Bridge Academy, 490 N Winnebago Dr, Lake Winnebago, MO 64034.

If you wish to make a donation of shares of stock, please contact the Treasurer for transfer information. Want to avoid even more taxes?  Consider making an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution. Seniors 70 ½ years of age and over, can transfer their IRA distribution directly to charity. By going directly to charity, the money is not included in the IRA owner’s income and is not taxed. This preserves the full amount for charitable purposes. Ask your IRA administrator to make a qualified distribution to Mo-Kan Bridge Academy.

Even if you can’t donate money right now, consider volunteering or at least letting others know of this organization.  They might be interested in learning to play bridge or they might be willing to donate.  So help get the word out there!


Mo-Kan Bridge Academy Organizational Structure

Mo-Kan Bridge Academy is incorporated in the State of Missouri as a non-profit corporation.  We are an IRS 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  Donors can deduct contributions made to us under IRC Section 170.  Please consult your tax advisor.

Current Board:
Patrick Moylan, President (contact him)

TERM ENDS 12-31-26





TERM ENDS 12-31-25

Contact her


KATHY ROLFE, Secretary-Treasurer

TERM ENDS 12-31-27

Contact her




President: Patrick Moylan

Vice-President: Eric Rolfe (Contact him).      

Secretary-Treasurer:  Kathy Rolfe    

Contact us:  816-237-0519
Mo-Kan Bridge Academy, 490 N Winnebago DR, Lake Winnebago, MO 64034

Financial Information Available upon Request.

You can find our Articles of Incorporation here.

Our  bylaws:  Mo-Kan Bridge Bylaws 180116

Our Whistle Blower Policy:  MoKan Whistleblower policy

Our Conflict of Interest Policy:  MoKan Conflict of Interest Policy


Minutes 180116

Minutes 181109

email agreements 18119-181221

Minutes 181226

email agreements 2019

Minutes Dec 29 2019 Board Meeting

Approved Minutes Dec 23 2020 Board Meeting

Approved Minutes Dec 29 2021 Board Meeting

Approved Minutes Dec 29 2022 Board Meeting

Approved Minutes Dec 27 2023 Board Meeting

Email Agreements April 24, 2024

Approved Minutes Dec. 26 2024 Board Meeting